I am so grateful that 4 is an age where we can delight her with gifts that are relatively simple to provide. I know there will come a time when we aren't able to do this, but I'm glad we aren't there yet. Sabrina's best cousin & friend Mary Stevens was the highlight of her birthday weekend, but all of her grandparents & uncle placed a close second. It was a smooth (but busy) time at Austin Children's Museum. We felt really good about the food, decorations, and the wonderful friends & family who joined us as guests. Sabrina was a social butterfly, quickly moving all around the museum to visit & join different friends doing all sorts of activities. We couldn't keep up with her! Samuel enjoyed the full attention of his Gigi, completely unaware that this was not a party for him! :)
We were thrilled to receive all of the gifts for the Austin Children's Shelter that the guests generously brought to the party. We are excited to deliver all those presents next week to the shelter, and Sabrina's excited to go to the store to pick out her gift for the kids. I loved that in picking a gift for an unknown child, each of us can get something we truly think will be fun without worrying if the gift has already been received, or is age appropriate, etc., etc. It puts the fun back in gift giving if you ask me! Here are a few pictures from the birthday weekend extravaganza. Looking forward to sharing my Dad's awesome photographs of the occasion very soon.
Making strawberry cake Saturday morning...
Best Friends..
Sabrina at cake time
A couple of party room shots:
Busy Daddy:
We had a great time, and are so proud of our sweet & lovable Princess. You are a wonderful gift to us, Sabrina. More soon...
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