
Monday, May 27, 2013

6 MO Robert Moglia visits

We were so delighted to have baby Robert, Mag, Sally and Dorothy over for dinner on Wednesday night.  Bertie had OAL events to attend, so she sent her delegation.  Robert was super cuddly, and happy.  He never cried, and only fussed when we attempted to put him in a stroller during dinner.  He preferred sitting closer to the action, in my lap.  I was happy to oblige.  Before dinner, we took a walk around our lawn, and after dinner we played on the quilt after dinner.  Sabrina and Samuel brought him some of their toys to play with, but I promised I'd locate some more going to be 1 YO toys for his next visit.

Here's some highlights (you can click on the pics for larger versions)...

I told Sabrina and Samuel that Robert would come back soon with Bertie to visit.  They could have been more enthusiastic...

We can't wait for Summer 2013, Moglia visit #2!!!

P.S. Robert has the most perfect hair you've ever seen.  It's so soft, and even, and has a cute natural little man style.  Amazing. :)


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