We finished just now. 10:30-7:45 is quite a day! (That's not including shopping or Hanna's prep time, see below.) We loved the mandatory togetherness though- it has been YEARS since we had spent so much time together.
8 meat loaves,
2 chicken cacciatores
120 meatballs
12 honey marinated pork chops
2 big portion beef stroganoffs
4 portions apricot chicken tenders
4 portions chicken tortilla soup
1.5 chicken Leilani casseroles for each of us (a biggun and a mini)
7 chicken pot pies
Cooks' notes:
Hanna prepped and bought most of the veggies yesterday which was a HUGE help.
Next time I'll try and cook/pull/chop/or shred chicken the night before.
Hanna's going to bring her biggest crawfish boil style pots.
We think we could work in a 3rd cook if we pre-plan jobs/roles.
Meatballs first next time for flash freezing purposes.
Plan on 2 coolers worth of food per cook.
A great day and tons of food to eat! Yahoooooo!!! :)
Oh, and next time an apron would be a good idea.... ;)
Sarah, Philip, Sabrina, Samuel, and Louis...with Guinness & Ellie onboard too!
Saturday, December 29, 2012
Cooking day with My Hanna
Doesn't she look wonderful? 3 months until baby Warren comes to us! Woo hoo!!!
Here we go, not even sharing all of it!

And, yes, that's what 10 pounds of ground beef looks like, wow!!
Last night, big girl Sabrina in her new nightie in Mississippi....
Here we go, not even sharing all of it!

And, yes, that's what 10 pounds of ground beef looks like, wow!!
Last night, big girl Sabrina in her new nightie in Mississippi....
Sunday, December 16, 2012
Christmas Doings
We made the rounds this year: Chuy's Christmas parade, Capitol tree lighting singalong, and Wimberley Trail of Lights. It was ambitious, but fun!
Sweet Chef Sam
He might have put pepper on my waffle and salt in my water, but he also kindly remembered to bring me a napkin. He loves to cook!
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
Samuel walks off by himself towards the front door, toy in hand.
Me to Philip: 'what is that boy doing?'
Samuel responds: 'I'm sitting right here...' See???
Me to Philip: 'what is that boy doing?'
Samuel responds: 'I'm sitting right here...' See???
Sunday, November 25, 2012
Samuel Videos...
Ok, stick with it until the 30 second mark. Worth it for the sheer passion of this kid!
Ok, the first 10 seconds of this. Repeat the first 5 seconds a couple of times...!!! Trust me.Whoa whoa Samuel talks constantly...
This guy is a chatterbox. If he wakes up early, he entertains us by singing Twinkle Twinkle, Row Row, and I love you.... peppered with Happy Day! Happy Day!
He is very proud of himself everytime he succeeds at the potty. Our song is: (copyrighted, don't even THINK about using it yourselves)
Samuel went __ __ in the potty,
Samuel went __ __ in the potty
Samuel went __ __ in the potty,
YAYYYYYYY Samuel! clap clap.
Samuel always joins in for the last line, raising his arms in a proud Y above his head. We do a Jamaican rhythym, it's really something. The blanks can either be poo poo or tee tee, it's brilliant in its versatilty.
Some of our favorite phrases of his at this time include:
"I don't want it!" This may seem dull, but he only does it in a singsong voice, raising up at least 2 octaves during the wanttttttt part. He likes to shove his plate away from him across the table while saying this, which is extra charming.
Where are you? Again, to embrace this, you have to jump up an octave on the 'are' part. He might have real Vienna Choir Boy potential.
He entertained me yesterday by playing with Sabrina's big & mini dollhouse for over an hour. Of course, he wasn't touching the dolls or furniture. He utilized the stairs, roof, and other structures of the homes for his purple racecar. Every time I walked close to check on his wellbeing, he'd clutch the car to his chest, "No, no, no, no!" afraid that I would snatch the car for myself. I reassured him this was not my intention, but he continued to doubt.
I'll share a few videos I shot tonight eventually. His repertoir is continually improving, but I particularly relish his use of emotion & intensity in his rendition of Barney's famous "I love you..." He's a wonder of energy.
We created marvelous Banana Strawberry Swirl desserts tonight, and then worked off our sugar highs with a frenzied dance party. Just another Johnson Sunday!
He is very proud of himself everytime he succeeds at the potty. Our song is: (copyrighted, don't even THINK about using it yourselves)
Samuel went __ __ in the potty,
Samuel went __ __ in the potty
Samuel went __ __ in the potty,
YAYYYYYYY Samuel! clap clap.
Samuel always joins in for the last line, raising his arms in a proud Y above his head. We do a Jamaican rhythym, it's really something. The blanks can either be poo poo or tee tee, it's brilliant in its versatilty.
Some of our favorite phrases of his at this time include:
"I don't want it!" This may seem dull, but he only does it in a singsong voice, raising up at least 2 octaves during the wanttttttt part. He likes to shove his plate away from him across the table while saying this, which is extra charming.
Where are you? Again, to embrace this, you have to jump up an octave on the 'are' part. He might have real Vienna Choir Boy potential.
He entertained me yesterday by playing with Sabrina's big & mini dollhouse for over an hour. Of course, he wasn't touching the dolls or furniture. He utilized the stairs, roof, and other structures of the homes for his purple racecar. Every time I walked close to check on his wellbeing, he'd clutch the car to his chest, "No, no, no, no!" afraid that I would snatch the car for myself. I reassured him this was not my intention, but he continued to doubt.
I'll share a few videos I shot tonight eventually. His repertoir is continually improving, but I particularly relish his use of emotion & intensity in his rendition of Barney's famous "I love you..." He's a wonder of energy.
We created marvelous Banana Strawberry Swirl desserts tonight, and then worked off our sugar highs with a frenzied dance party. Just another Johnson Sunday!
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
Sabrina's goodnight made me laugh
Miss Organization:
"Ok, Mommy, just remember that tomorrow is t-shirt day, (dramatic pause) and you're still a picklehead." Giggles followed.
Our girl - no end to that personality.
Samuel had his first no cry dropoff that next morning (Friday). :) He's improving, and yesterday's report said he was busy, happy, and curious. He particularly enjoyed blocks, painting, and song time. That's our boy! What a relief he's feeling so much more at home during the day at school. Those first reports broke our hearts!
Our girl - no end to that personality.
Samuel had his first no cry dropoff that next morning (Friday). :) He's improving, and yesterday's report said he was busy, happy, and curious. He particularly enjoyed blocks, painting, and song time. That's our boy! What a relief he's feeling so much more at home during the day at school. Those first reports broke our hearts!
Saturday, September 8, 2012
Congratulations, you've made the wall of love...
We repurposed existing frames, printed up some newer pics, and created our family wall album. You'll find a lot of familiar faces on it, one pic is a placeholder, subbing for a bridesmaid/Sarah "sisters" pic that Walgreen's goofed up. Will fix that tomorrow. Also going to add a decorative homemade sign, but very happy to have SOMETHING on the wall in this room, finally. :)
Also made this collage of the Johnson and Kelly clan from the earlier days...Philip was SO adorable, it's no wonder Sam turned out so well! ;) heehee...
Also made this collage of the Johnson and Kelly clan from the earlier days...Philip was SO adorable, it's no wonder Sam turned out so well! ;) heehee...
Saturday, September 1, 2012
Sabrina's Turn - First Day
Our little lady, ham that she is, was definitely excited for her first day. After a Kodak moment inside, she told me I had her permission to take more photos outside. Thanks, Sabrina. :)
She was thrilled to go, very confident once we got to the classroom, and I was only able to get a quick hug & kiss. She then indicated I could go, so I did. Kids are so aware of being "cool," even at her age! I tried very hard to not make a big goodbye deal out of it, but I wanted to squeeze her so bad & give her 20 kisses. I restrained myself, but it wasn't easy. So far, she has gotten a good conduct sticker & jelly bean every day! We get the accident/injury/troublemaker report each day, and then coax the rest out of her over the course of the night. We are so happy she is eager to go everyday (so far). Now we just have to figure out our morning timing. Two dressed kids, breakfasts, and lunches, then out the door by 7 is a serious challenge! I'm sure we'll figure it out with time though.
And, of course, the new favorite place to pose, "riding" the ceramic caterpillar.
Sabrina had many quotables this week, but I'll go with this one: While pulling a book off the shelf, she stated, "I want to take this one to the children's shelter. You know, because they don't have any books. The bad guys steal their books, that's why they don't have any. Bad guys are pickleheads!"
Us: "Yes, that sounds good, Sabrina, we'll pick out a few books to give away." (No comments on the bad guys...)
Samuel: This week he's all about singing "Doobie, doobie, doo..." I taught him that. ;) Also pointing to people/characters in books and tv saying, "Good guy, good guy." The first time I pointed to him & told him he was a good guy, and he laughed at me. But I think we all agree that he is. He also started calling Papa "Poppy" this week. We'll have to see if that sticks. He really wanted to sit & talk with Poppy, and hold his hand if we were walking somewhere. It's so sweet to see him bonding with my Dad.
She was thrilled to go, very confident once we got to the classroom, and I was only able to get a quick hug & kiss. She then indicated I could go, so I did. Kids are so aware of being "cool," even at her age! I tried very hard to not make a big goodbye deal out of it, but I wanted to squeeze her so bad & give her 20 kisses. I restrained myself, but it wasn't easy. So far, she has gotten a good conduct sticker & jelly bean every day! We get the accident/injury/troublemaker report each day, and then coax the rest out of her over the course of the night. We are so happy she is eager to go everyday (so far). Now we just have to figure out our morning timing. Two dressed kids, breakfasts, and lunches, then out the door by 7 is a serious challenge! I'm sure we'll figure it out with time though.
And, of course, the new favorite place to pose, "riding" the ceramic caterpillar.
Sabrina had many quotables this week, but I'll go with this one: While pulling a book off the shelf, she stated, "I want to take this one to the children's shelter. You know, because they don't have any books. The bad guys steal their books, that's why they don't have any. Bad guys are pickleheads!"
Us: "Yes, that sounds good, Sabrina, we'll pick out a few books to give away." (No comments on the bad guys...)
Samuel: This week he's all about singing "Doobie, doobie, doo..." I taught him that. ;) Also pointing to people/characters in books and tv saying, "Good guy, good guy." The first time I pointed to him & told him he was a good guy, and he laughed at me. But I think we all agree that he is. He also started calling Papa "Poppy" this week. We'll have to see if that sticks. He really wanted to sit & talk with Poppy, and hold his hand if we were walking somewhere. It's so sweet to see him bonding with my Dad.
Monday, August 27, 2012
And they're off & running...
First day of nursing school and full-time Samuel care:
Of course, Sabrina didn't want to miss out! Samuel did NOT know what to do when Daddy came to get him up. That's officially the first day we voluntarily got the boy up, pretty much ever. (He's an early bird usually. really early. ) Hoping they have a GREAT first day!
Of course, Sabrina didn't want to miss out! Samuel did NOT know what to do when Daddy came to get him up. That's officially the first day we voluntarily got the boy up, pretty much ever. (He's an early bird usually. really early. ) Hoping they have a GREAT first day!
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