
Sunday, September 29, 2013

Sabrina's First Month of Kindergarten

My sweet began Kindergarten and was off like a rocket. Her teacher, Mrs. Marek, is a total pro who's been teaching Kinder for 7 years. Her room is stimulating and pretty with lots to do and learn. I love the little desks, 4 to a group, with little chairs to match. Friday Sabrina brought home her first 25 days of school behavior chart - she got a sticker every day! Which means she never had to "move her banana" - not even one warning! She definitely exceeds my behavior at that age. I got "N" for needs improvement in conduct through at least 2nd grade. Talker I was, shocking as that is!

Sabrina & I wore coordinating bracelets - an idea I borrowed from a friend to remind her how much she was loved. I think it almost made me cry 100x the first week. Constant reminder that she had joined the 'big' world outside a small known environment. I'd say a prayer, and trust in our Lord, and push down the tears. She made it through just fine though. (I did make her rehearse the morning walk from the bus drop off point to her classroom with me walking behind. This thoroughly annoyed her, but gave me comfort! :) )

They have art, music, computer, and PE as "specials." I'm so glad they don't just do curriculum, and have a nice outdoor area for playtime after lunch. We feel so blessed to have her at this sweet school. She's already checked out her first book from the library, purchased some Scholastic books at a bargain, and participated in the school's first book fair. They are busy, busy over there.

Not all has been wine and roses. She tells us how she and a lot of the kids sleep on the bus on the way to school. With a pickup time of 6:35, it's no wonder!! She's also had a lot of catnaps - car, couch, and some random places like shopping carts. Then there was the prison gang scene in the back of our car one day. She put her Cinderella play cell phone in the bottom of her sock and smacked her little brother in the face with it. Doubtless she wanted him to cry, but the sight of blood pouring out of his nose caused her to scream for Daddy to pull over! Pull over!!! Oh. my. gosh. That was a conversation with her he'd never planned out. Who knew she could be so creative in her Samuel harassment? Little buddy is fine though. A pint of blood lighter perhaps, but fine.

Kidding, not quite a pint... ;)

We are trying soccer. She likes her friend Sydney and her coaches, but soccer? Jury's still out. We've seen her enthusiasm wane already, and we're only on week 3. I've heard this was most of the other parents' experience as well with their kid's first season as they really don't know what's going on. She definitely wants to go back to dancing. As I'm speaking, she's dancing to the radio all around the room in a homemade costume.

I guess all in all - it's going well! I love reading books with her and her finding 'popcorn' words of the week from school. (This week it was 'like'.) She still loves Mrs. Piggle Wiggle chapters best, and we finished Pollyanna a few weeks ago.